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Grief: An Experience We Share That’s Different for Everyone

This story originally ran April 6, 2022 and was updated Aug. 1, 2023.

Grief is a part of life. It’s a natural response to any significant loss, whether that’s the death of a loved one or a pet, the loss of a job, the end of a marriage or a decline in health.

Chances are that you will experience grief at some point, if you haven’t already. Although grief usually lessens over time, it can be hard to see hope when it is fresh or the loss is especially profound.

We spoke with UNC Health psychiatrist Donald Rosenstein, MD, about grief, each person’s unique experience living with grief and how to connect with others to get through a difficult time.

There Is No “Right Way” to Grieve

It’s important to know that no two people experience grief the same way, Dr. Rosenstein says. The loss of one person, for example, will often feel very different from the loss of another, even if you loved them both very much.

Researchers have long tried to understand how people experience grief. You’ve probably heard of the five stages of grief, which date to psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ 1969 book On Death and DyingKubler-Ross interviewed people dying of a terminal illness and proposed five stages of emotion: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. People tend not to experience all of these stages or move through them in a sequence, Dr. Rosenstein says.

The dual process model of grief describes two tracks of actively grieving—feeling deep sadness and yearning—and engaging in the forward-facing daily tasks of life, such as work, child care and errands. People typically move back and forth between the two modes, and that’s normal, Dr. Rosenstein says.

Researchers have found—and people’s lived experiences confirm—that most people are able to respond to the loss of a loved one with resilience, meaning that they can continue to go to work, take care of children and pets and function normally while experiencing great sadness at times. If you are able to manage the loss of a loved one with sadness but not distress, you may worry there’s something wrong with you. There isn’t.

“Dozens of studies have demonstrated that most people are, in fact, quite resilient, meaning that even though they may be deeply affected by the loss, they continue to carry on and cope well emotionally,” Dr. Rosenstein says.

Ways to Cope with Grief

In the first days and weeks after a loss, people may feel adrift in their deep sadness. Over time, these feelings should lessen, but periods of sadness and yearning to have what is lost may persist indefinitely, even for a lifetime.

While acknowledging that grief experiences vary, Dr. Rosenstein shares some strategies he recommends to help people cope with grief.

How to Help Someone When They’re Grieving

Intense or Long-Term Grieving: When to Get Help

With so much variability in the experience of grieving, you may wonder what’s normal and how to know when you need help from a professional.

Grief can become problematic because of its intensity or duration.

“If you’re so profoundly sad that there is no joy in your life whatsoever, you might need help,” Dr. Rosenstein says. “If you can’t sleep, can’t eat, if you are so anxious that you have a drink at night to calm down and then you have two, three or four more … if you are so down and depressed that you can’t function, then you should get help.”

The American Psychiatric Association says prolonged grief disorder is marked by severe and incapacitating grief that lasts more than a year.

“This new diagnosis has been the subject of extensive research and in development for a long time,” Dr. Rosenstein says. “Most mental health professionals are supportive of this new diagnosis and point to compelling evidence that a small percentage of people struggle so profoundly in their grief and are deserving of thoughtful attention and treatment to alleviate their suffering.”

According to Dr. Rosenstein, it’s also common for people who are grieving to think about self-harm.

“If you do have thoughts of suicide and feel that you might act on those thoughts, you absolutely need to get help,” he says. If you are thinking about suicide, act now and call or text 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.

Talk to your doctor if you are experiencing ongoing feelings of sadness that interfere with your ability to function. If you are thinking about suicide, act now. Call or text 988 for the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. 

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