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Medical Emergency? You Are in Expert Hands

What is an emergency physician?

Of all the medical specialties, emergency medicine may be the most demanding. Emergency physicians work any time of the day or night. In a single shift, they may see dozens of patients in a hospital emergency department. And while other specialists are expert in one field of medicine, emergency physicians are highly trained to treat all manner of diseases and injuries.

In a single shift, they may see dozens of patients in a hospital emergency department.

Versatile skills

After college, emergency physicians attend four years of medical school. Then they do three to four more years of training in a residency program at an accredited teaching hospital. These physicians are trained to recognize, evaluate, stabilize and treat people with all medical and trauma conditions. They are experts at treating both children and adults who have emergencies such as:

Following the need

Wherever they work, emergency physicians are dedicated to giving the best care to people in need, when they need it most. If you have a medical emergency, you’ll be in expert hands with an emergency physician.

To learn about the Rex Emergency Department and physicians, visit

Sources: American Board of Emergency Medicine; American College of Emergency Physicians

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