Category: Medical Tips

close-up view of a mosquito on a child's arm

July 24, 2024

How to Choose the Best Bug Repellent for Your Kids

Protect against bites with safe and effective products.

Children's Health, Families, Medical Tips

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Man rubs his eyes under his glasses and yawns as he sits at a desk in front of a computer

June 19, 2024

Maximize Your Sleep: Essential Tips for Shift Workers

Struggling to adjust to the night shift? Here’s what you can do.

Medical Tips, Sleep

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Woman holds throat in pain while holding a cup of tea and wearing a blanket over her shoulders

June 7, 2024

Lost Your Voice? What to Know About Laryngitis

A doctor talks about the causes, treatment and when to get help.

Ear, Nose, and Throat Health, Medical Tips

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Father pushes toddler who is sitting on top of a rolling suitcase in an airport

May 29, 2024

How to Stay Healthy During Summer Travel

While you’re planning and packing, take these steps to reduce your risk of illness.

Family Medicine, Medical Tips, Your Care

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Pediatrician checks a child patient's throat while mom watches

May 13, 2024

6 Reasons Kids Should See a Doctor, Even If They’re Well

Regular wellness visits are a vital part of a child’s physical and mental health.

Children's Health, Medical Tips, Your Care

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an empty kayak sits at the edge of a lake beach

August 4, 2023

Vibrio Bacteria Infections: How to Protect Yourself

Follow these tips to stay healthy around salty water and raw shellfish.

Injury Prevention, Medical Tips

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female traveler sleeps across a cluster of seats at an airport, uses her suitcase for a foot rest

August 1, 2023

Tips for Dealing with Jet Lag

Traveling to another time zone? Sleep and light will be key.

Medical Tips

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Boy sits on bicycle, wearing a helmet and sunglasses. He drinks a bottle of water. There is a sun flare in the top right of the photo, indicating a warm, sunny day.

July 11, 2023

3 Ways to Avoid Heat-Related Illness

High temperatures and humidity can be dangerous, especially for at-risk people.

Medical Tips, Safety

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Young woman sits on couch, holding different medicine/vitamin bottles to read the labels

July 7, 2023

Taking a Supplement? Ask These 6 Questions

Your doctor can help you maximize benefits and avoid risk.

Medical Tips, Wellness

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Male health provider helps a older male patient into a MRI machine

June 26, 2023

Tips for Staying Calm During an MRI or Another Imaging Scan

Knowing what to expect can reduce anxiety.

Anxiety, Medical Tips, Radiology, Stress Management

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mother watches young son play with a tablet while sitting in airplane seats, both are wearing face masks

November 15, 2022

3 Tips to Stay Healthy During Holiday Travel

Keep the season merry with these infection prevention tips.

Cold and Flu, Coronavirus, Medical Tips

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midshot of man and woman using a laptop while woman holds smartphone in hand

August 26, 2022

Google Doesn’t Know What Your Symptoms Mean

Keep these tips in mind the next time you search for health information online.

Medical Tips

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