Category: Autism

austism logo of multi-colored puzzle pieces in a pattern of light bulb shapes

March 30, 2020

Autism Spectrum Disorder: What You Need to Know

There is no cure, but diagnosing children early can help them get the support they need.


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Illustration of young child showing brain activity

June 9, 2017

Predicting Autism: Study Links Infant Brain Connections to Diagnose...

In two previous studies, University of North Carolina researchers and colleagues linked infant brain anatomy differences to autism diagnoses at age two. Now they show differences in functional connections between brain regions at 6 months to predict autism at age two.

Autism, Brain Health, Children's Health, Mental Health, News, Publications, Research, Studies

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Photo illustration of an MRI machine.

January 27, 2015

MRIs link impaired brain activity to inability to regulate emotions...

UNC researchers find that the bigger the differences in brain activity related to emotion regulation, the more severe the autism. Gabriel Dichter, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry and psychology was the paper's senior author.

Autism, Neurology, Treatment

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CJ Malanga

October 23, 2013

UNC child neurologist finds potential route to better treatments fo...

C.J. Malanga discovered that three specific drugs affect three different kinds of neurotransmitter receptors that all seem to play roles in Fragile X Syndrome.

Autism, Neurology, Treatment

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Illustration of a person handing over a questionnaire

July 13, 2012

Questionnaire completed by parents may help identify 1-year-olds at...

The First Year Inventory, a 10-minute questionnaire filled out by parents after a child’s first birthday, shows promise in identifying children who are later diagnosed with autism or other developmental problems.

Autism, Studies, Treatment

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