Category: Kids and Mental Health

Mom wraps arms around son, who looks sad

September 25, 2020

Recognizing Depression in Children

While depression is a serious illness, it also is a treatable one.

Depression, Kids and Mental Health

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boy sits at kitchen table with pencil and paper, looks reflectively out the window

August 26, 2020

Q&A: Recognizing Mental Health Problems in Children

Is it a passing stage or something more serious?

Kids and Mental Health, Mental Health

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grandfather with arm around teenager

February 3, 2020

6 Ways Parents Can Help Prevent Teen Suicide

These tragedies are on the rise, but parents can play a role in saving lives.

Adolescents, Kids and Mental Health

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September 12, 2018

Does Your Child Have Fortnite Fever?

What parents need to know about the health effects of video games.

Kids and Mental Health

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Teen walking with scary shadow behind him

March 29, 2018

4 Things to Know About Psychosis in Teenagers

It can be tough to distinguish between angst and mental illness in young people, but getting help quickly is critical.

Adolescents, Children's Health, Families, Kids and Mental Health, Psychiatry

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February 23, 2016

Anorexia is Not a Choice

Researchers at the UNC Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders and around the world continue to study the genetics of the disease while treating patients in desperate need of help.

Genetics, Kids and Mental Health

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