Category: Pediatric Medicine

Profile view of boy looking sad

June 5, 2018

Help Your Son Develop Healthy Coping Skills

Teaching Boys It’s OK to Cry.

Adolescents, Children's Health, Men's Health, Mental Health, Pediatric Medicine

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April 10, 2018

Teenage Heart Patient Aspires to Help Others

High school senior Sam Deacon is thriving after overcoming a rare and life-threatening heart condition.

Cardiology, Children's Health, Heart Failure, Patient Stories, Pediatric Medicine

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The Cumbie kids on Christmas

March 29, 2018

From High-Risk Preemie to Boisterous Boy

David Cumbie was a premature baby who couldn’t breathe or make noises on his own. Now, he’s a thriving first-grader who is talking—a lot!

Children's Health, Patient Care, Patient Stories, Pediatric Medicine

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Young boy diagnosed with ADHD

December 20, 2017

Your Child Has ADHD—Now What?

The time after a diagnosis can be confusing. Check out these tips for helping a child with ADHD succeed at school and at home.

ADD/ADHD, Children's Health, Pediatric Medicine

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December 9, 2015

Sock Monkeys and Fiberglass Cows: One Volunteer’s Commitment ...

After decades crafting sock monkeys for pediatric patients at UNC Hospitals, Nidia Scharlock was honored in November with a ceremony at the Ronald McDonald House of Chapel Hill and the dedication of a cow named Mookie.

Awards, Patient Stories, Pediatric Medicine

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