Category: Heart and Vascular Health

graphic rendering of blood vessel filled with cholesterol

September 21, 2022

Worry About the Cholesterol in Your Blood, Not Your Food

A nutritious diet and exercise can help keep cholesterol levels low.

Cholesterol, Heart and Vascular Health

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Woman in her 60's is out for a walk, trees behind her in background

August 5, 2022

10 Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Lifestyle changes can help you prevent heart disease, the No. 1 killer of Americans.

Heart and Vascular Health

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Grandmother, mother, and young daughter sit on beach, embracing and smiling at each other

August 1, 2022

4 Things Every Woman Should Know About Heart Health

Women can take steps to prevent heart disease by practicing healthy lifestyle habits.

Heart and Vascular Health, Women's Health

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Grandfather and grandson playing guitar

July 1, 2022

You’ve Been Diagnosed with an Aortic Aneurysm—Now What?

Careful monitoring by expert physicians is the key to living with an aortic aneurysm.

Health, Heart and Vascular Health

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older man clutching his chest

June 23, 2022

A Less Invasive Approach to Chest Pain

A cardiologist explains why medications are just as effective as surgery in many cases.

Heart and Vascular Health, Surgery

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Close-up of woman preparing to check her blood pressure at home

January 31, 2022

Blood Pressure: Why It’s Important to Know Your Numbers

New hypertension guidelines indicate more Americans are at risk.

Heart and Vascular Health

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Frustrated mother rubbing her temples

February 16, 2021

Heed the Warning of a TIA (‘Ministroke’)

A transient ischemic attack should be treated as an emergency.


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Senior woman and adult daughter laughing on porch

February 4, 2021

How Family History Affects Your Risk of Heart Disease

You can lower your risk of heart disease even if it runs in your family.

Heart and Vascular Health

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woman feeling her pulse

January 18, 2021

For the Best Workouts, Know Your Target Heart Rate

You don’t need a wearable device to know this important number.

Exercise, Heart and Vascular Health

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Stroke survivor and UNC REX patient Jason Heiser looks forward to new challenges once races resume.

December 24, 2020

His Biggest Obstacle Yet: A Stroke

Thanks to his co-workers’ quick thinking, an active 34-year-old recovers fully from a stroke.


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Photo of a senior woman checking her blood pressure level at home

December 15, 2020

Menopause and Your Heart

Take these steps to lower your risk of heart disease after menopause.

Heart and Vascular Health, Menopause, Women's Health

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a person shovels a snowy driveway

December 1, 2020

4 Ways to Protect Your Heart This Winter

As the temperatures drop, the rates of heart disease rise. “Heart disease can occur any time of the year, but there is some seasonality to it, and it does increase in the winter months,” says UNC cardiologist Christopher Kelly, MD. Cardiologists don’t know for sure why the winter months are riskier for hearts, but it…

Heart and Vascular Health

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