Category: Brain Health

Senior woman looking pensively out window

August 17, 2018

How Diabetes Might Increase Your Risk of Dementia

There is a link, but research is inconclusive as to why. Here are some theories.

Dementia, Diabetes

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graphic of silhouettes talking to each other

July 23, 2018

Want to Stay Sharp? Maintain Your Social Brain

Spending time with others can help protect brain health.

Brain Health, Mental Health, Relationships

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Baby who has been crying being comforted by a caregiver

April 23, 2018

Spotting Concussions in Babies and Toddlers

Kids and adults can talk about their symptoms, but the littlest ones can’t. Here’s how to spot brain injury.

Babies, Brain Health, Toddlers and Preschoolers

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illustration of a brain with electric waves around it

March 15, 2018

Your Brain, on Electricity

Weak streams of electricity directed into the brain could help conditions such as depression, schizophrenia and chronic pain.

Brain Health, Mental Health

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rows of prescription bottles

January 24, 2018

How Over-the-Counter Sleep Aids Can Hurt Your Brain

Even if a drug is sold as “non-habit-forming,” it could cause symptoms such as confusion and memory loss.

Brain Health, Sleep

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Patient wearing a Optune device

January 22, 2018

New Wearable Device Uses Electric Fields to Treat Glioblastomas

Optune device can prolong GBM life expectancy for an average of three months

Brain Cancer, Brain Health, Cancer, Physicians

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Illustration of young child showing brain activity

June 9, 2017

Predicting Autism: Study Links Infant Brain Connections to Diagnose...

In two previous studies, University of North Carolina researchers and colleagues linked infant brain anatomy differences to autism diagnoses at age two. Now they show differences in functional connections between brain regions at 6 months to predict autism at age two.

Autism, Brain Health, Children's Health, Mental Health, News, Publications, Research, Studies

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low shot photo of a woma walking an a trail

June 22, 2015

6 Brain Benefits of Walking

Going on regular walks does not only benefit your physical health, but also your mental health. Read more about the ways that walking has on your brain. [...]

Brain Health

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