Category: Studies

Person having a sleep study

April 4, 2023

Q&A: What to Expect During a Sleep Study

The overnight test is not as intimidating as you might think.

Health, Sleep, Studies

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Illustration of young child showing brain activity

June 9, 2017

Predicting Autism: Study Links Infant Brain Connections to Diagnose...

In two previous studies, University of North Carolina researchers and colleagues linked infant brain anatomy differences to autism diagnoses at age two. Now they show differences in functional connections between brain regions at 6 months to predict autism at age two.

Autism, Brain Health, Children's Health, Mental Health, News, Publications, Research, Studies

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Photo of a man having fun riding a bike with a woman riding behind him on her bike.

March 21, 2017

New insights on side effects can help prostate cancer patients choo...

A study led by Ronald C. Chen, MD, examines quality-of-life outcomes for modern treatment choices most patients will face, including active surveillance, radical prostatectomy, external beam radiation treatment, and brachytherapy.

Cancer, Studies, Treatment

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Illustration of a woman holding a baby on her lap.

January 16, 2015

Women who experience postpartum depression symptoms before giving b...

Postpartum depression (PPD) may have a diverse clinical presentation and this has critical implications for diagnosis, treatment and understanding the underlying biology of the illness, a new study finds.

Mental Health, Pregnancy and Maternal Health, Studies

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Closeup of multicolored doughnuts with sprinkles and nuts.

October 13, 2014

Would you eat that doughnut if you knew you had to walk two miles t...

A new study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will examine whether adding the amount of walking it takes to burn off the calories in food items will lead consumers to make healthier choices.

Awards, Health, Research, Studies, Weight Loss, Wellness

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Ganesh Kamath

September 24, 2014

Many elite college athletes return to play after ACL surgery

Most collegiate athletes in a new study were able to return to play after having knee surgery to repair an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury.

Research, Studies

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Elizabeth Mayer-Davis

May 6, 2014

Study finds large increase in Type 1 and 2 diabetes among U.S. youth

This is the largest study of childhood diabetes in diverse populations ever done in the U.S., says Elizabeth Mayer-Davis, PhD, who has led the study for eight years.

Diabetes, Studies

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Illustration of a person handing over a questionnaire

July 13, 2012

Questionnaire completed by parents may help identify 1-year-olds at...

The First Year Inventory, a 10-minute questionnaire filled out by parents after a child’s first birthday, shows promise in identifying children who are later diagnosed with autism or other developmental problems.

Autism, Studies, Treatment

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Illustration of a flu virus.

October 25, 2011

Study: Obesity limits effectiveness of flu vaccines

People carrying extra pounds may need extra protection from influenza. New research from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill shows that obesity may make annual flu shots less effective.

Nutrition, Studies, Treatment, Wellness

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