Category: Research

John Buse

March 1, 2016

New type-2 diabetes therapy proves better than traditional insulin ...

UNC-led global phase-3 clinical trial sets the stage for improved management of a disease that affects nearly 30 million Americans.

Diabetes, Research, Treatment

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Clara Lee

January 7, 2016

Study finds gaps in patient knowledge of breast reconstruction surg...

In a study published in the journal Annals of Surgery, researchers report that breast cancer patients surveyed about their knowledge of breast reconstruction were only moderately informed about the procedure, and their knowledge of complications was low.

Breast Cancer, Research, Treatment

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David Berkoff

July 30, 2015

New Tool Gives Berkoff a Clearer Image

A new tool will allow David Berkoff, MD, associate professor of orthopaedics, the ability to provide his patients with more accurate diagnoses, closely monitor their recovery and, he says, aid in research.

Orthopedics, Research, Technology

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Flavio Frohlich

May 5, 2015

Popular electric brain stimulation method detrimental to IQ scores

In a double-blinded, randomized study, UNC researchers found that the IQ scores of people who underwent tDCS brain stimulation improved markedly less than did the IQ scores of people in the placebo group.

Neurology, Research, Treatment

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Flavio Frohlich

April 16, 2015

Scientists use brain stimulation to boost creativity, set stage to ...

Using a weak electric current to alter a specific brain activity pattern, UNC School of Medicine researchers increased creativity in healthy adults. Now they’re testing the same experimental protocol to alleviate symptoms in people with depression.

Mental Health, Neurology, Research, Treatment

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February 4, 2015

Potential pancreatic cancer treatment could increase life expectancy

Device that drives drugs into solid tumors that are poorly vascularized opens the possibility of life-saving surgeries in cancer patients. James Byrne, PhD, a medical student and member of Joseph DeSimone’s lab, led the research by constructing the device and examining its ability to deliver chemotherapeutic drugs effectively to pancreatic cancer tumors, as well as two types of breast cancer tumors.

Cancer, Research, Treatment

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Garret Stuber

January 29, 2015

New deep-brain imaging reveals separate functions for nearly identi...

For the first time, UNC neuroscientist Garret Stuber, PhD, imaged activity patterns of individual brain cells in freely moving mice to link specific basic behaviors to particular neurons.

Neurology, Research

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Illustration of a line of people

November 14, 2014

Sickle cell trait in African-Americans associated with increased ki...

Vimal Derebail, MD, MPH, is co-first author of the study and Abhijit Kshirsagar, MD, MPH, is co-senior author. Both are members of the UNC Kidney Center.

Genetics, Hepatology, Research

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Closeup of multicolored doughnuts with sprinkles and nuts.

October 13, 2014

Would you eat that doughnut if you knew you had to walk two miles t...

A new study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will examine whether adding the amount of walking it takes to burn off the calories in food items will lead consumers to make healthier choices.

Awards, Health, Research, Studies, Weight Loss, Wellness

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Ganesh Kamath

September 24, 2014

Many elite college athletes return to play after ACL surgery

Most collegiate athletes in a new study were able to return to play after having knee surgery to repair an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury.

Research, Studies

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A group of elderly people in a waiting room.

August 13, 2014

Many older emergency department patients are malnourished

More than half of emergency department patients age 65 and older who were seen at UNC Hospitals during an 8-week period were either malnourished or at risk for malnutrition.

Health, Research, Weight Loss, Wellness

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Prescription pill bottles with different medications.

May 15, 2014

Medications can help adults with alcohol use disorders reduce drinking

Although alcohol use disorders are associated with many health problems, including cancers, stroke and depression, fewer than one-third of people with the disorders receive any treatment and less than 10 percent receive medications to help reduce alcohol consumption.

Mental Health, Research, Substance Abuse

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