Category: Surgery

x-ray of curved spine

November 19, 2018

One Man’s Experience with Scoliosis, and a Surgical Solution

Correction surgery helped repair an 80-degree spinal curve.

Back Pain, Surgery

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Silhouette of person clutching their abdominal reigon

October 3, 2018

Relief from the Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease, Through Surgery

The newly offered Kono-S procedure can reduce the chances of further operations.

Gastroenterology, Surgery

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physician pressing on patient's lower back

July 30, 2018

Adults with Tethered Cord Syndrome Find Relief Through Surgery

Patients travel from afar to get treatment for rare spinal condition.

Back Pain, Surgery

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Cartoon of erasing a scar from a hysterectomy

March 12, 2018

A Minimally Invasive Way to Get a Hysterectomy

Surgeons can remove part or all of the uterus through a tiny incision, which usually heals with no scar.

Surgery, Women's Health

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