Tag: Cell Biology and Physiology

Flavio Frohlich

May 5, 2015

Popular electric brain stimulation method detrimental to IQ scores

In a double-blinded, randomized study, UNC researchers found that the IQ scores of people who underwent tDCS brain stimulation improved markedly less than did the IQ scores of people in the placebo group.

Neurology, Research, Treatment

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Flavio Frohlich

April 16, 2015

Scientists use brain stimulation to boost creativity, set stage to ...

Using a weak electric current to alter a specific brain activity pattern, UNC School of Medicine researchers increased creativity in healthy adults. Now they’re testing the same experimental protocol to alleviate symptoms in people with depression.

Mental Health, Neurology, Research, Treatment

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Garret Stuber

January 29, 2015

New deep-brain imaging reveals separate functions for nearly identi...

For the first time, UNC neuroscientist Garret Stuber, PhD, imaged activity patterns of individual brain cells in freely moving mice to link specific basic behaviors to particular neurons.

Neurology, Research

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