Tag: Psychiatry

little boy wearing backpack and holding a bag lunch walks toward a school

July 31, 2023

Back-to-School Anxiety: Tips for Kids and Parents

It’s normal to feel nervous, but these five strategies can help.

Anxiety, Mental Health, School-Age Children

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Close-up view on woman who working on laptop

November 28, 2016

Online group therapy may be effective treatment for bulimia nervosa

Study led by UNC researchers compared group therapy delivered via online chat to face-to-face group therapy

Eating Disorders, Mental Health, Treatment

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February 23, 2016

Anorexia is Not a Choice

Researchers at the UNC Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders and around the world continue to study the genetics of the disease while treating patients in desperate need of help.

Genetics, Kids and Mental Health

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UNC Chapel

January 27, 2016

Pignone featured by U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

UNC's Dr. Michael Pignone is featured in two videos, a press release and a podcast discussing the Task Force's recommendation that clinicians should screen all adults, including pregnant women and new mothers, for depression.


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Illustration of kid with food in front of him being yelled at.

November 16, 2015

Study Finds Surprising Links Between Bullying and Eating Disorders

According to new research from Duke and UNC, both victims of bullying and the bullies themselves could be at risk psychologically for anxiety, depression and eating disorders.

Eating Disorders, Mental Health, Nutrition

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UNC Chapel

August 12, 2015

Puppies: The Power of Cute for Mental Health

The UNC PAWS program of the UNC Center for Excellence in Community Mental Health trains puppies for 10 weeks and then matches each puppy with a veteran suffering from PTSD.

Mental Health

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Flavio Frohlich

May 5, 2015

Popular electric brain stimulation method detrimental to IQ scores

In a double-blinded, randomized study, UNC researchers found that the IQ scores of people who underwent tDCS brain stimulation improved markedly less than did the IQ scores of people in the placebo group.

Neurology, Research, Treatment

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Flavio Frohlich

April 16, 2015

Scientists use brain stimulation to boost creativity, set stage to ...

Using a weak electric current to alter a specific brain activity pattern, UNC School of Medicine researchers increased creativity in healthy adults. Now they’re testing the same experimental protocol to alleviate symptoms in people with depression.

Mental Health, Neurology, Research, Treatment

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Garret Stuber

January 29, 2015

New deep-brain imaging reveals separate functions for nearly identi...

For the first time, UNC neuroscientist Garret Stuber, PhD, imaged activity patterns of individual brain cells in freely moving mice to link specific basic behaviors to particular neurons.

Neurology, Research

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Illustration of a woman holding a baby on her lap.

January 16, 2015

Women who experience postpartum depression symptoms before giving b...

Postpartum depression (PPD) may have a diverse clinical presentation and this has critical implications for diagnosis, treatment and understanding the underlying biology of the illness, a new study finds.

Mental Health, Pregnancy and Maternal Health, Studies

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Patrick F. Sullivan

July 2, 2012

Autism, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder may share common underly...

New research led by Patrick F. Sullivan, MD, FRANZCP, a psychiatric geneticist at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, points to an increased risk of autism spectrum disorders among individuals whose parents or siblings have been diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

Genetics, Innovation, Mental Health, Research

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A sad looking woman.

July 19, 2011

Mothers with breastfeeding difficulties more likely to suffer postp...

A UNC study finds that women who have breastfeeding difficulties in the first two weeks after giving birth are more likely to suffer postpartum depression two months later compared to women without such difficulties.

Mental Health, Pain Management, Pregnancy and Maternal Health

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