Category: Medical Tips

Older couple sits on a couch, husband's hands on wife's shoulders as she talks on the phone

July 22, 2022

Cancer Patients: Know When to Call Your Healthcare Team for Help

Infections and illnesses can be more severe in people with cancer.

Cancer, Medical Tips

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graphic of woman covering mouth with stars circling her head [dizzy]

November 12, 2018

Is Motion Sickness Making Travel a Nightmare?

Here’s how to deal with it.

Medical Tips

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lightning strike in the night sky

August 8, 2018

7 Ways You Could Burn This Summer, Other Than in the Sun

Wearing sunscreen is important, but it won’t protect you from these other dangers.

Burn Care, Medical Tips

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Older man standing in a town square, wiping brow while holding a water bottle

June 19, 2018

How to Stay Safe in Blazing Heat

The very high temperatures we’re having this week can be dangerous, but heat-related illness is preventable.

Health, Medical Tips, North Carolina

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January 15, 2013

Medical Emergency? You Are in Expert Hands

Of all the medical specialties, emergency medicine may be the most demanding. Emergency physicians work any time of the day or night. In a single shift, they may see dozens of patients in a hospital emergency department. And while other specialists are expert in one field of medicine, emergency physicians are highly trained to treat all manner of diseases and injuries...

Medical Tips

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The truth behind 9 medical myths

April 8, 2012

The Truth Behind 9 Medical Myths

You hear them all the time. Before you know it, they’re accepted as law. Medical myths often become part of our culture as they get passed from one generation to the next. But what many of us take as expert information may actually be wrong or even harmful to our health.

Medical Tips

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