Category: Wellness

Two people running in an urban setting.

July 12, 2024

7 Safety Tips for Runners

Keep these guidelines in mind as you lace up your sneakers.

Exercise, Fitness and Mobility, Wellness

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Mom pours milk into a cereal bowl for your young song, while another young son eats his cereal next to her

July 1, 2024

Yes, You Should Eat Breakfast. Here’s the Best Type

Your first meal of the day provides physical and mental benefits. Try these tips.

Nutrition, Wellness

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Mom and elementary-aged daughter work together to prepare a salad in a brightly-lit kitchen

February 26, 2024

5 Ways for Parents to Raise Healthier Children

Teach your child the habits of a healthy life. Start with these tips from a pediatrician.

Children's Health, Kids and Mental Health, Wellness

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tilt up image of a fit female in exercise clothes in a lunge position, hands on hips

January 25, 2024

What You Can Do When Your Hip Flexors Are Tight

If you sit a lot, try these tips to stretch and strengthen the core muscle group.

Orthopedics, Wellness

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Image focused on a man running in place in a fitness class while others in the background do the same movement

January 8, 2024

Checklist: 7 Habits to Have a Healthier Life

A doctor shares tips for feeling better, having more energy and reducing disease risk.

Wellness, Your Care

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woman does a barbell clean while her trainer stands behind, coaching her

January 2, 2024

New to the Gym? Here’s What to Know Before You Go

Get the most out of your fitness center membership with this insider’s guide.

Exercise, Fitness and Mobility, Wellness

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Two women eating and enjoying ice cream cones

January 1, 2024

How to Stop Feeling Guilty About the Food You Eat

UNC Health experts explain why we think of food as good or bad and what we can do about it.

Eating Disorders, Wellness

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mom does a plank on a kitchen floor while playing with her baby

December 28, 2023

The Extraordinary Health Benefits of Exercise

Exercise is good for you, experts agree. Here’s how to get more of it, even if you’re busy.

Exercise, Wellness

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Man listening to music through headphones leans back on couch with hands behind his head, relaxing and enjoying the music

December 22, 2023

Burned Out? How to Improve Emotional Wellness

Refuel your tank so you’ll feel better when times are tough. Try these tips.

Mental Health, Wellness

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Young man pushes an elderly man in a wheelchair. Both are smiling.

October 16, 2023

Kindness Can Be Positively Powerful—Here’s Why

A simple gesture may brighten your day and have positive effects on society.

Community, Wellness

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Two women sitting on a park bench, chatting animatedly

August 18, 2023

5 Ways to Combat Loneliness and Isolation

The solution to this growing health problem is to make meaningful connections. Here’s how.

Mental Health, Wellness

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Woman sits outside in a nice shaded park, sits on blanket while reading a book

August 17, 2023

4 Therapeutic Benefits of Getting Outside

Spending time outdoors helps us slow down and relax.

Fitness and Mobility, Wellness

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