Category: Wellness

UNC Chapel

August 29, 2013

Moderate physical activity does not increase risk of knee osteoarth...

Adults age 45 and older who engaged in moderate physical activity up to two and a half hours a week did not increase their risk of developing knee osteoarthritis over a 6-year follow-up period, a new study finds.

Arthritis, Fitness and Mobility, Research, Wellness

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UNC Chapel

July 17, 2012

Milk thistle, taken by many people for liver disease, ineffective a...

Silymarin or “milk thistle,” a popular herbal dietary supplement that many people take for liver ailments, works no better than placebo in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection.

Chronic Illness, Clinical Trials, Hepatitis C, Hepatology, Nutrition, Treatment, Wellness

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July 2, 2012

Mind Full or Mindful?

I was eating lunch at my desk about half a year ago, quickly wolfing it down in the 15 minutes before the afternoon session started. The following is a list of everything I was thinking and doing in that 15 minutes:


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UNC Chapel

June 20, 2012

Show me the Money!

Everyone knows smoking is not good for their health. For example, it:

Health, Wellness

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Illustration of a flu virus.

October 25, 2011

Study: Obesity limits effectiveness of flu vaccines

People carrying extra pounds may need extra protection from influenza. New research from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill shows that obesity may make annual flu shots less effective.

Nutrition, Studies, Treatment, Wellness

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